Friday, 03 April 2015 12:42

I like Putty for Windows and Vagrant

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Since I've started working with Timble I have been using the Joomlatools Vagrant Box a lot. And, since my system exploded last month while in Australia and had to buy a new one, I said bye-bye to XAMPP completely and redeployed all my projects inside my vagrant instance.

The Box also comes with the Joomlatools console which I love, because I do a complete install, symlink project folders and can install extensions with one command.

But this post isn't really about Vagrant alone, but more about command prompts and terminals I've used recently in Windows.

Windows CMD Prompt

This terminal is stable and it works. When you are just working inside windows you can paste, but can't seem to copy (booh!).


I love this IDE and its terminal...for the most part. Copy and paste, and styling are great. Alas, the terminal seems to freeze farely frequently, on both of the machines I've used it on.


If you've done any work on the server from windows you have likely used Putty. And I have recently fallen back to it when I SSH into my vagrant box. No, you can't just vagrant ssh into your box from the command line. But once you have your box set up in putty with and port 22, its super easy to do the same thing.

I can copy and paste in the command line, and its super stable.

If you have others, I'd love to hear about them!

Read 13051 times Last modified on Tuesday, 13 June 2017 18:49

Cameron is a PHP Application Developer and consultant and spends much of his time furthering the business goals of his company Magnetic Merchandising Inc. which he started in 2005.

Cameron has provided technical deployment and consultation for many entities since starting MMI. Much of that work has been in complex hosted auction platforms, professional Joomla! deployments and extension development and sales.

As such, Cameron has acquired a deep technical skill-set, a sensitivity to client needs, and the ability to produce anything those clients can visualize.

Everyday, he actively seeks out and becomes familiar technologies that will give MMI clients maximum return for their web development and general e-presence dollar.